May monthly planner spread ~ Travellers Notebook ~ May Kit

Hi Everyone,

Morgyn here with my last blog post for Scrapping Fun Kits.  It has been so much fun working with Raelene and the team, but like all good things it must come to an end.

I am using my travellers notebook planner to decorate my monthly spread for May. 

I really liked the zebra straw that came in this months kit but couldn't work out how I would be able to use it on a page.  Then I thought maybe if I cut it up the middle it would be flat enough?  So i sliced up the middle and flattened it out a little but it was still a tad bulky so I pulled the back couple of layers off and voilĂ  perfect to attach to the top of my pages.

Next I fussy cut out the butterfly and attached that int he top left corner, there was a space with no numbers so it fitted nicely in there.  Next I added the beautiful butterfly washit tape to the bottom right corner and I finished it off with 2 half strips of the black and white chevron washi to mark a couple of important dates for May.

Thats it for this one, nice and quick and easy.

Thanks for stopping by

Morgyn  xx
